Umbrella options

Clear Sky Contracting Limited has been designed by CDJ Online for the contractor who:

  • Only has contract income falling within the scope of IR35
  • Works on short contracts
  • Wants to benefit from contract rates and employment benefits
  • Wants to maximise take home salary
  • Doesn’t want to run their own limited company
  • Clear Sky Contracting offers:

  • No hidden costs
  • Online timesheets and expense claims – no paperwork!
  • Access to CDJ Online unique Client Home Pages
  • HMRC approved expenses
  • No VAT/PAYE or legal worries
  • Self Assessment Tax Return
  • Personal Tax Planning
  • Contributory pension scheme
  • Sickness and Holiday pay
  • Life and Serious Illness Cover
  • Disability Cover
  • Training
  • Helpdesk
  • e-Newsletter
  • No wonder it’s clear skies all the way for the Clear Sky Contractor. For more information or to become a Clear Sky Contractor please email or call us on 0845 683 2505. How much does it cost No hidden costs. Our fees are based on how often you are paid and are fixed at

    Weekly payments – £17.00
    Fortnightly payments – £33.00
    Monthly payments – £65.00

    Online Timesheets and Expenses CDJ Online is the premier online accounting and taxation service for IT Contractors. Clear Sky Contractors benefit from CDJ Online’s experience in providing internet accounting services. Once you become a Clear Sky Contractor you will be provided with a username and password giving you access to our secure site. Timesheets and expense claims can be completed and submitted online – speeding up the payment process.